Get involved

Do you want to join us in our fight for human rights? Amnesty International offers several opportunities to do so.

Join us! Together we can achieve so much more!

Get info!

You can find out about your options to get involved with Amnesty International at our info talks, which we hold twice a month. You will learn about Amnesty’s history and structure and how you can get involved fast.

Info talks take place at the district office in Prenzlauer Berg at 7pm every first Friday of the month: Greifswalder Str. 4 (2nd yard) 10405 Berlin.

Info talks in Kreuzberg are held every third Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm: Lettrétage e.V., Mehringdamm 61, 10961 Berlin-Kreuzberg; transport: U6, U7 Mehringdamm.

Drop in, we are look forward to meeting you!

Become an Amnesty International member

As a member, you can take part in Urgent Action letter writing and other activities and campaigns. Support human rights work with your annual membership fee. All Amnesty members get a free copy of the Amnesty Journal. If you would like to become a member, please contact a group near you or use the online form.

Amnesty groups

Would you like to join other activists and take a stand against human rights abuses together? Then working in an Amnesty groups would be the right thing for you.

There are over 30 groups in Berlin and Brandenburg. The groups meet at regular intervals. They support victims of human rights abuses and raise public awareness, for instance at info stalls, readings, vigils or film screenings.  You can find the contact details on the lists of Amnesty International groups in Berlin and Brandenburg.

Youth groups are specifically there for young members. Young likeminded people can get together in a school group or an open youth group to join forces and make a difference. Youth groups often come up with particularly creative activities, be it at Karneval der Kulturen, concerts for charity or staging improvisational theatre. Every youth group chooses their own focus area. There are many different tasks so there’s something to do for everyone. For a weekend every year. There is a meeting for members of youth and student groups from all over Germany on one weekend every year. There young members conduct workshops, have discussions, perform activities, give presentations, network and exchange ideas. You can find youth groups here.

The members of country and topical coordination groups are spread across Germany. They bring together great expertise in a country, region or human rights issue. They are there to support groups working on their specialist area by providing expertise or organisational advice. If you would like to devote your time to one specific issue and provide expertise, a coordination group may be the right thing for you. Many co-groups are based in Berlin. Here you can find a list of all co-groups in Germany.

Donate and support

You can also promote our human rights work and save lives by donating. Investigating human rights abuses and campaigning for people in danger is very complex and extremely costly. Our supporters make small contributions on a regular basis and help securing Amnesty’s political independence. As a supporter you will help to ensure that we are able to fight human rights abuses in the future. Your support is needed! Become a supporter or support us with a one-off donation.


15. December 2020